Review Article

Developmental Programming in Response to Intrauterine Growth Restriction Impairs Myoblast Function and Skeletal Muscle Metabolism

Table 1

Adrenergic receptor β (Adrβ) mRNA expression determined by quantitative PCR in placental insufficiency-induced IUGR1 and norepinephrine-infused2 sheep fetuses relative to control fetuses.

TreatmentAge at necropsyTissueAdrβ

PI-IUGRFetus, 134 dGAMyoblasts3↑28%25%↑800%
Fetus, 134 dGASkeletal muscle4NC64%NC
Neonate, 28 daysSkeletal muscle444%
NE-InfusedFetus, 140 dGASkeletal muscle4NC47%NC

1Hyperthermia from 40 to 95 days of gestation (term ~145 days).
2Intravenous norepinephrine (NE) infusions from 130 to 137 days of gestational age.
3Isolated from hindlimb skeletal muscles. = 3/treatment.
4Pooled semitendinosus and biceps femoris. = 6/treatment.
NC: no change; ↑: increased relative to controls; : decreased relative to controls. Constitutive control was s15 for all samples.