Research Article

Naegele Forceps Delivery and Association between Morbidity and the Number of Forceps Traction Applications: A Retrospective Study

Table 1

Characteristics of the 87 pregnant women on whom Naegele forceps delivery was performed.


Gestational age at delivery (weeks)39 5/737 3/7–41 4/7
 Early term (37 0/7-38 6/7 weeks)1921.8
 Full term (39 0/7-40 6/7 weeks)5664.4
 Late term (41 0/7 weeks and after)1213.8
Age (years)3219–40
 Para 11112.6
 Para 244.6
Maternal complications3742.5
Maternal height (cm)158147–170
Maternal weight at labor (kg)59.644.7–91.8
Maternal BMI at labor (kg/m2)24.218.6–34.8
Neonatal birth weight (g)30362072–3926
Epidural analgesia1820.7
Fetal head malrotation1416.1
Chief indication
 Prolonged second stage5158.6
 Nonreassuring fetal status3337.9
 Severe PIH33.4
Station (cm)
Numbers of forceps traction applications
Uterine fundal pressure maneuver22.3
Traction-to-delivery intervals (min)20–13  

BMI: body mass index; PIH: pregnancy-induced hypertension.