Research Article

Naegele Forceps Delivery and Association between Morbidity and the Number of Forceps Traction Applications: A Retrospective Study

Table 2

Morbidity associated with Naegele forceps deliveries.


Maternal morbidity
 Postpartum hemorrhage >500 mL55.7
 Blood transfusion11.1
 Perineal laceration
  1st degree22.3
  2nd degree5462.1
  3rd degree2629.9
  4th degree55.7
 Acute postpartum urinary retention lasting over 24 h1213.8
 Dehiscence and maternal injury except for perineal lacerations55.7
Neonatal morbidity
 Facial injuries1618.4
 Umbilical artery acidemia
  Umbilical artery pH: 7.10–7.1989.2
  Umbilical artery pH: <7.100.0
 Neonatal intensive care unit admission11.1