Research Article

Forceps, Actual Use, and Potential Cesarean Section Prevention: Study in a Selected Mexican Population

Figure 2

The most common complications found were lacerations to different pelvic structures. Simpson forceps (the most employed instrument) had a significant association with vaginal lacerations (), RR of 3.4 (95% CI: 1.15–10.04), OR of 3.93 (95% CI: 1.20–12.84), third degree perineal lacerations (), RR of 2.41 (95% CI: 1.12–5.22), OR of 2.89 (95% CI: 1.16–7.22), fourth degree lacerations (), RR of 4.16 (95% CI: 1.21–14.28), and OR of 4.77 (95% CI: 1.27–17.95). Salas forceps were significantly associated with cervical tears (), RR 4.53 (95% CI: 1.49–13.8), OR 5.71 (CI: 1.46–22.36).