Clinical Study

Perinatal Risks Associated with Early Vanishing Twin Syndrome following Transfer of Cleavage- or Blastocyst-Stage Embryos

Table 1

Baseline demographics of patients undergoing cleavage-stage ETs () or blastocyst-stage ETs () with early VT.

ParameterCleavage-stage ()Blastocyst-stage ()

Age (years)38.1 (±2.98)36.2 (±1.01)<0.001
Parity0.71 (±0.21)0.59 (±0.38)0.11
BMI (kg/m2)23.1 (±2.97)22.9 (±1.83)0.55
Infertility diagnoses0.28
 Ovulatory198 (27.9%)15 (21.4%)
 Tubal38 (5.36%)8 (11.4%)
 Endometriosis37 (5.22%)7 (10%)
 Male factor262 (37.0%)22 (31.4%)
 Idiopathic39 (5.50%)9 (12.9%)
 Other135 (19.0%)9 (12.9%)

Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation, median (interquartile range), and (%); BMI: body mass index.