Clinical Study

Perinatal Risks Associated with Early Vanishing Twin Syndrome following Transfer of Cleavage- or Blastocyst-Stage Embryos

Table 7

Term low birth weight and multiple logistic regression to account for confounding variables.

Term LBWStandard errorAdjusted OR
(95% CI)

Age (<35 versus ≥35 years)0.460.86 (0.59–7.80)0.76
Duration of ovarian stimulation (<9 versus ≥9 days)0.730.92 (0.35–3.08)0.33
Gonadotropin dose (<2000 versus ≥2000 IU)0.420.83 (0.44–6.09)0.38
Peak E2 level (<2000 versus ≥2000 pg/Ml)0.320.92 (0.16–1.86)0.48
Total number of oocytes (<10 versus ≥10)0.390.94 (0.09–1.82)0.25
Blastocyst-stage ET (yes versus no)0.470.91 (0.28–3.83)0.84

LBW: low birth weight; E2: estradiol; ET: embryo transfer.