Review Article

Recent Advances in Molecular Technologies and Their Application in Pathogen Detection in Foods with Particular Reference to Yersinia

Table 2

Comparison of major next generation DNA sequencing technologies and conventional sequencing.

PlatformApplicationSequencing chemistryRead length (bases)Throughput per run (Gb)Read per run (million)Throughput per 24 hr (Gb)Raw accuracy Range (%)Cost Pe Mb ($)

ABI 3730(1) Complement de novo assemblies for high-quality assembly of complex genomes;
(2) Custom sequencing
(3) Targeted resequencing for polymorphism discovery and genotyping
Sanger Dideoxy8000.000080.0000960.0006499.0 to 99.9994000

ABI SOLID 5500(1) Whole genome SNP discovery;
(2) Transcriptome assembly and expression profiling;
(3) Whole methylome resequencing
Sequencing by ligation 31051674599.0 to 99.90.05

Illumina HiSeq(1) Whole genome SNP discovery;
(2) Transcriptome assembly and expression profiling;
(3) Whole methylome resequencing;
(4) Bacterial and megaplasmid de novo assembly
Sequencing by synthesis 60060007596.2 to 99.70.02

Life Technologies Ion Torrent(1) Whole methylome resequencing;
(2) Bacterial and megaplasmids de novo assembly;
(3) Sequencing quality control;
(4) Sequencing requirement lower complexity
pH meter2000.212.4>99.00.5

Roche 454(1) De novo assemblies of complex genomes;
(2) Metagenomics;
(3) Analysis of large structural variations
Pyrosequencing6000.810.596.0 to 97.08