Review Article

New Frontiers in Schistosoma Genomics and Transcriptomics

Table 1

Availability of genomic and transcriptomic data for Schistosoma species.


6184Schistosoma bovis NoNoNoYes
6186Schistosoma curassoni NoNoNoYes
230327Schistosoma edwardiense NoNoNoYes
393876Schistosoma guineensis NoNoNoYes
6185Schistosoma haematobium YesYesYesYes
157462Schistosoma hippopotami NoNoNoYes
198245Schistosoma incognitum NoNoNoYes
216970Schistosoma indicum NoNoNoYes
6187Schistosoma intercalatum NoNoNoYes
6182Schistosoma japonicum YesYesYesYes
646316Schistosoma kisumuensis (*)NoNoNoYes
216972Schistosoma leiperi NoNoNoYes
53353Schistosoma malayensis NoYesNoYes
6183Schistosoma mansoni YesYesYesYes
48269Schistosoma margrebowiei NoNoNoYes
31246Schistosoma mattheei NoNoNoYes
38744Schistosoma mekongi NoYesNoYes
216971Schistosoma nasale NoNoNoYes
6188Schistosoma rodhaini NoNoNoYes
191505Schistosoma sinensium NoNoNoYes
230328Schistosoma sp. Uganda-JATM-2003NoNoNoYes
6189Schistosoma spindale NoYesNoYes

Taxid: NCBI taxonomy identifier. ncDNA: nuclear DNA genome ( mtDNA: mitochondrial DNA genome (NCBI Organelle Genome Resources). ESTs: data from NCBI dbEST (release 120701, July 1, 2012). Barcoding: DNA barcoding used on cox1 sequences (BOLD Systems). *Schistosoma sp. BH-2009.