Clinical Study

Clinical and Immunological Analysis of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis before and after Different Treatments

Figure 2

ELISA obtained with monovalent amastigotes and sera from patients with primary infection, with active lesions or remission after SR, VT or Glu treatments. (Patients).La: L(L)amazonensis; Lv: L(L)venezuelensis,; Lb: L(V)brasiliensis; Lch: L(L)chagasi. No significant correlation was found between IDR and ELISA values in 32 patients with CL. The correlation indexes were for La: 0.0098 ( ); Lv: 0.0057 ( ); Lb: 0.012 ( ); Lch: 0.026 ( ). OD values were: Pre-SR: before spontaneous remission. Pre-VT: before proteins from Leishmania amastigotes after TLCK and NP-40 treatment. Post-SR: after spontaneous remission. Post-VT: after proteins from Leishmania amastigotes after TLCK and NP-40 treatment. Post-Glu: after Meglumine antimoniate or Glucantime® treatment.