Research Article

Balancing Treatment Allocation over Continuous Covariates: A New Imbalance Measure for Minimization

Table 4

𝑍 N o r m [ 0 , 1 ] . Comparison of 𝐸 𝐷 a r e a , 𝐸 𝐷 m e a n , and 𝐸 𝐷 s t d for 𝑝 = 2 / 3 .

𝐸 𝐷 m e a n × 1 0 2 (s.e.) 𝐸 𝐷 s t d × 1 0 2 (s.e.) 𝐸 𝐷 a r e a × 1 0 2 (s.e.)

EFRON 20.66 (.220)14.79 (.158)6.78 (.035)
K-S 9.47 (.112)11.45 (.124)4.61 (.018)
𝑚 = 2 14.08 (.152)14.64 (.155)5.62 (.024)
𝑚 = 4 12.32 (.133)12.39 (.135)5.00 (.020)
𝑚 = 8 13.44 (.149)11.60 (.126)5.00 (.023)
MAX-IMB 14.17 (.154)12.61 (.137)5.28 (.023)
RANK-SUM 20.24 (.218)14.67 (.157)6.77 (.035)
𝑐 0 = 2 15.46 (.176)13.75 (.147)5.80 (.029)
𝑐 0 = 4 13.21 (.152)13.53 (.143)5.39 (.025)
𝑐 0 = 6 12.59 (.147)13.36 (.143)5.22 (.023)