Research Article

Fuzzy RAM Analysis of the Screening Unit in a Paper Industry by Utilizing Uncertain Data

Algorithm 1

Pseudo code of the ABC algorithm.
Objective function:
Generate an initial bee population (solution) where and number of employed bees
 are equal to onlooker bees
Evaluate fitness value
Initialize cycle = 1
For each employed bee
 (a) Produce new food source position in the neighborhood of by
  where is a solution in the neighborhood of selected parameter , is random number in the range [−1,1]
 (b) Evaluate the fitness value at new source
 (c) If new position is better than previous position then memorizes the new position
End For
Calculate the probability values for the solution where is the total number of food sources
For each onlooker bee
 (a) Chooses a food source depending on for the solutions
 (b) Produce new food source positions from the populations depending upon and evaluate their fitness
 (c) If new position better than previous position, then memorizes the new position
End For
If there is any abandoned solution that is, if employed bee becomes scout then replace its position with a new
random source positions
Memorize the best solution achieved so far
cycle = cycle + 1
If termination criterion is satisfied then stop otherwise go to step 5