Research Article

A One-Class Classification-Based Control Chart Using the -Means Data Description Algorithm

Algorithm 1

%Let Q be the (n  ×  m) matrix of quality variables where n is the number
%of observations and m the number of quality variables in the training phase.
%Define the target class.
%Use the KMDD algorithm to fit a sphere around the defined target class above,
%where c1 is a fraction error on the target class and c2 is a parameter
%defining the number of clusters.
w = kmeans_dd(T,c1,c2);
%Show the results of KMDD classifier.
%Phase I of the KM-chart:
%Compute the Euclidean distance of each training observation and the UCL.
n = size(T,1);
D_training = sqrt(min(sqeucldistm(+T,W.w), ,2)) repmat(W.threshold,n,1) ;
%Phase II of the KM-chart:
%Let now R be the (k x p) matrix of quality variables where k is the number
%of observations and p the number of quality variables in the testing phase.
%In Phase II we repeat the same computation as in Phase I but here we use
%test data and compare it with the UCL to detect out-of-control states.
%Compute the Euclidean distance of each test observation.
m= size(R,1);
D_test = sqrt(min(sqeucldistm(+R,W.w), ,2)) repmat(W.threshold,m,1) ;
y1=D_training(:,1); y2=D_training(:,2);x1=(1:n);
y3= D_training(:,1); D_test(:,1) ;
y4 = D_training(:,2); D_test(:,2) ;x2=(1:n+m);
%Display the KM-chart for Phase I and II.
SUBPLOT(2,1,1), plot(x1,y1,-o, x1,y2,-); title(Phase I of the KM-chart)
SUBPLOT(2,1,2), plot(x2,y3,-o, x2,y4,-); title(Phase II of the KM-chart)