Research Article

Robotic Vision with the Conformal Camera: Modeling Perisaccadic Perception

Figure 2

The visuosaccadic system. The course of events is the following. (1) Fixations (~300 ms). When eyes complete a saccade, visual information is acquired and sent via LGN to V1 and higher cortical areas including FEF and PEF (yellow paths). The next saccade's target is selected in FEF/PEF and its position is calculated in SC (blue paths) and the oculomotor command (OC) is prepared (Pons). However, before the saccade is executed, a copy of OC is sent via MD of Thalamus to FEF/PEF (black paths) to shift the receptive fields of the current fixation landmarks to the receptive fields of their future positions centered at the impending saccade's target. (2) Saccades (~30 ms). The OC executes the eyes' saccade with the motor neurons (red paths). The shift of receptive fields (starting ~50 ms before the saccade onset and ending ~50 ms after the saccade landing) gives access to the upcoming saccade's target before eyes arrival, integrating objects' features between fixations and maintaining stability of perception.