Research Article

Modeling a Sensor to Improve Its Efficacy

Figure 2

This figure illustrates the robot’s machine learning system’s view of the playing field using the naïve light sensor model. The axes label playing field coordinates in LEGO distance units. The previously obtained measurement locations used to obtain light sensor data are indicated by the black and white squares indicating the relative intensity with respect to the naïve light sensor model. The next selected measurement location is indicated by the green square. The blue circles represent the 50 hypothesized circles sampled from the posterior probability. The shaded background represents the entropy map, such that brighter areas indicate the measurement locations that promise to provide greater information about the circle to be characterized. Note that the low entropy area bounded by the white squares indicates that this region is probably inside the white circle and that measurements made here will not be as informative as measurements made elsewhere. The dark jagged edges at the bottom of the colored high entropy regions reflect the boundary between the playing field and the region that is outside of the robotic arm’s reach.