Research Article

Automatic Person Identification in Camera Video by Motion Correlation

Algorithm 1

Patch tracking and motion estimation.
   : patch descriptor, .
   : an array of patch descriptors.
   : patch descriptor counter, initialized to zero.
   : frame counter, initialized to zero.
   : the ID of a patch.
   : frame index of first and last appearance of a patch.
   : center and color histogram of a patch.
   : thresholds for histogram similarity, patch distance, and patch area, , and .
(1) Grab a video frame
(2) Optical flow estimation
(3) Background subtraction
(4) for Each patch in current frame do
(5) Calculate
(6) If     then
(7)  continue
(8) end  if
(10)for  all     do
(11) if     and     then
(13) end  if
(14)end  for
(16)for  all     do
(18) if     then
(20) end  if
(21)end  for
(22)if   is   then
(26)end  if
(27) Calculate and save vertical acceleration for
(28) end  for