Research Article

Design and Real-Time Implementation of a 3-Stage CnW Heading System on an Ubuntu Linux-Embedded Board

Code 3

(i) If (2 <= FIXGi_class <= 5) and (0 < HDOP <= 2) then IDEAL, with weight “3”
(ii) If (FIXGi_class == 1) and (0 < HDOP <= 2) then EXCELLENT, with weight “2”
(iii) If (2 <= FIXGi_class <= 5) and (2 < HDOP <= 5) then EXCELLENT, with weight “2”
(iv) If (2 <= FIXGi_class <= 5) and (5 < HDOP <= 10) then GOOD, with weight “1”
(v) If (FIXGi_class == 1) and (2 < HDOP <= 5) then GOOD, with weight “1”
(vi) Else BAD, with weight “0”