Clinical Study

HPV Infection in a Cohort of HIV-Positive Men and Women: Prevalence of Oncogenic Genotypes and Predictors of Mucosal Damage at Genital and Oral Sites

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of the study population according to HPV infection status.

CharacteristicsHPV negative
HPV positive

Age*42.5 (38–49)41 (35–47)0.119
Male°35 (46%)145 (72%)0.0001
Exposure categories°0.0001
 MSM17 (22%)117 (58%)
 Heterosexual35 (46%)62 (31%)
 IDUs23 (31%)22 (10%)
 Vertical1 (1%)0
CDC C°18 (24%)29 (14%)0.067
HIV duration (mths)*120 (39–181)68 (29–169)0.028
CD4+ T cells/mmc*462 (346–636)480 (357–665)0.710
Nadir CD4+ T cells/mmc*209 (139–287)271 (157–392)0.006
Log10 HIV RNA cp/mL*1.59 (1.59–1.79)1.77 (1.59–3.25)0.002
HAART°63 (83%)159 (79%)0.480
HAART duration (mths)*60 (40–133)44 (22–123)0.081
Dysplasia°18 (23.7%)99 (49.2%)0.0001

Data are presented as the number (percentage). *Data are presented as the median (IQR).
Exposure categories for HIV infection: MSM: men who have sex with men; IDUs: injection drug users; CDC C: AIDS classification according to Atlanta CDC 1993; HAART: highly active antiretroviral therapy.