Research Article

Determination of Mercury Exposure among Dental Health Workers in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand

Table 5

Multiple linear regression of dietary habit, occupational life style, PPEs used, and personal hygiene behaviors on urinary mercury levels in dental health personnel.

ParametersRegression coefficientSE value

Position (dentists, dental hygienist, and dental assistants)0.00050.00020.082
Duration of work (more than 5 yrs versus less than 5 yrs)0.00240.00100.
Mask using (yes versus no)−0.04770.0118<0.0
Glove using (yes versus no)−0.02590.0193<0.0
Snack eating/water drinking at work (always versus sometimes)0.14700.02940.054
Hand washing before lunch (always versus sometimes)−0.04830.0114<0.0
Hand washing after work (always versus sometimes)−0.04790.01590.0
Dietary habit (fish and seafood consumption; ≤3 times/month versus ≥3 times/month)0.00260.00150.0

Significant at value of <0.05.