Clinical Study

A Single Dose of Oral BCG Moreau Fails to Boost Systemic IFN- 𝛾 Responses to Tuberculin in Children in the Rural Tropics: Evidence for a Barrier to Mucosal Immunization

Figure 1

Study design. All eligible children had documented stool samples with Ascaris lumbricoides a year before the start of the study. Children were selected into study groups on the basis if they had or had not received 7 repeated doses of 400 mg of albendazole every 2 months over the previous 16 months. Children who had not received long-term albendazole and who continued to have ascariasis were allocated to 2 groups. Group 1: active A. lumbricoides infection; Group 2: short-term anthelmintic treatment. Children in Group 2 were given 2 single doses of 400 mg albendazole separated by 30 days. Children who had received long-term anthelmintic treatment were selected into Group 3. Children in Group 3 were given 2 single doses of 400 mg albendazole separated by 30 days. All children received a single dose of oral BCG Moreau RDJ. Blood was collected immediately before vaccination and at 28 days after vaccination to measure IFN- 𝛾 responses to PPD.