Review Article

Genetic Diversity of Toll-Like Receptors and Immunity to M. leprae Infection

Table 1

TLR polymorphisms are organized by receptor, genotype, phenotype, and cohort. The odds ratio (OR) measures the strength of association between genotype and disease. A ratio less than 1 depicts the degree of protection and a ratio greater than 1 depicts the factor of increased susceptibility. Reference numbers are included with the associated cohort. RR: reversal reaction; del: deletion; ins: insertion; VNTR: variable number tandem repeat.

GeneSNPReference SequenceOR 𝑃 valueCohort
Amino acidDNAM. lepraeM. tuberculosis

TLR1I602SA1805Grs57436180.48<0.005Turkish [38]
0.51 (RR)0.01Nepalese [39]
0.31<0.001Asian Indian [41]
A/A2.5 (extrapulmonary)<0.001African American [40]
N248SA743Grs48330951.240.02Bangladesh [42]
TLR2~del (−196 to −174)ins0.700.02Guinea-Bissau [45]
I/I0.41<0.001Caucasian [45]
~VNTR −162 to −100
290 bp0.620.02Ethiopian [46]
288 bp5.83 (RR)0.001Ethiopian [46]
0.49 (lepromatous)0.02Ethiopian [46]
N199NC597Trs38040990.34 (RR)0.002Ethiopian [46]
C/C2.220.007Vietnamese [48]
3.33 (meningitis)0.004Vietnamese [48]
R753QG2258A (A/A)rs57437086.040.022Turkish [51]
A/G1.600.59 ( 𝜒 2 ) Turkish [51]
5.05<0.001Turkish pediatric [52]
TLR4D299GG896Ars49867900.34<0.001Ethiopian [31]
2.10<0.001Asian Indian [62]
2.00~Mediterranean Caucasian [69]
2.800.06Tanzanian [63]
T399IC1196Trs49867910.16<0.001Ethiopian [31]
TLR9~G-Ars3521430.580.029African American [45]
0.530.017Caucasian [45]
~C-Trs57438360.540.024African American [45]
0.500.015Caucasian [45]