Clinical Study

Safety of a New Chewable Formulation of Mebendazole for Preventive Chemotherapy Interventions to Treat Young Children in Countries with Moderate-to-High Prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminth Infections

Table 4

TEAEs by intensity of helminth infection.

Not doneNo infectionLightModerateTotal
( )( )( )( ) ( )
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Total number of children with adverse events2 (5)18 (11)23 (13)1 (7)44 (11)
Diarrhea1 (2)5 (3)4 (2)010 (3)
Abdominal pain01 (1)1 (1)02 (1)
Abdominal distension001 (1)01 (<1)
Aphthous stomatitis01 (1)001 (<1)
Nausea01 (1)001 (<1)
Oral pain001 (1)01 (<1)
Pyrexia04 (3)7 (4)011 (3)
Lymphadenopathy05 (3)3 (2)08 (2)
Cough03 (2)2 (1)05 (1)
Asthma001 (1)01 (<1)
Dyspnoea01 (1)001 (<1)
Epistaxis01 (1)001 (<1)
Rhonchi01 (1)001 (<1)
Respiratory rate increased002 (1)02 (1)
Cardiac murmur1 (2)0001 (<1)
Respiratory rate001 (1)01 (<1)
Bronchitis02 (1)002 (1)
Upper respiratory tract infection01 (1)001 (<1)
Urinary tract infection01 (1)001 (<1)
Rash popular003 (2)03 (1)
Dizziness0001 (7)1 (<1)
Headache001 (1)01 (<1)
Jaundice001 (1)01 (<1)

TEAE: treatment-emergent adverse event.