Review Article

Dynamics of Lymphocyte Populations during Trypanosoma cruzi Infection: From Thymocyte Depletion to Differential Cell Expansion/Contraction in Peripheral Lymphoid Organs

Figure 2

Distinct pattern of lymphocyte fluctuations in central and peripheral lymphoid organs during acute Trypanosoma cruzi infection. The upper panels depict thymus and peripheral lymphoid sites, in terms of T- and B-cell subsets. It is illustrated the thymic atrophy, simultaneously with an increase in mature and immature export of cells from the organ, as well as hyperplasia of spleen and subcutaneous lymph nodes that course in parallel with an atrophy of the mesenteric lymph nodes, whereas the peritoneal cavity remains rather unchanged (except for the significant rise in CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subsets). Bottom panels reveal fold changes of each T- and B-lymphocyte subsets from acutely infected mice over the corresponding controls.