Research Article

Trypanosoma cruzi SSP4 Amastigote Protein Induces Expression of Immunoregulatory and Immunosuppressive Molecules in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

Figure 4

Effect of rMBP::SSP4 on gene expression of CAMs and TNFRs in PBMCs. RT-PCR analysis of CAMs and TNFRs mRNAs in PBMCs was performed as described (see Section 2). PBMCs were stimulated with the protein for 12–96 h, S/E (nonstimulated). The intensities of each band were quantified and plotted from the gels that are on top of each graph corresponding to the expression of genes. GAPDH was used as a control housekeeping gene. **, *** and 0.0001, respectively, versus unstimulated cells.