Research Article

Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy: Assessment of the Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine Three-Dose Policy on Birth Outcomes in Rural Northern Ghana

Table 2

ANC attendance, ITN use, IPTp-SP uptake, and malaria infection during current pregnancy by mothers.

Characteristics No.%

Gestational age at first ANC
 First trimester7529.5
 Second trimester15059.1
 Third trimester2911.4
Number of ANC visits
 No ANC visit20.8
 ≥ 89336.6
Number of IPTp-SP doses received
Gestational age at first dose of SP (weeks)
SP taken under DOT
 All the time24797.2
 Most of the time72.8
Use of ITN the previous night
 Used ITN24295.3
 Did not use ITN124.7
Malaria infection during current pregnancy
 Had infection207.9
 Did not have infection23492.1

ANC= antenatal centre, ITN = insecticide treated net, SP = sulfadoxine pyrimethamine, and IPTp = intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy.