Research Article

Assessment of Prevalence and Risk Factors for Intestinal Parasitosis, Malnutrition, and Anemia among School Children in Ghindae Area, Eritrea

Table 6

Multivariate logistic regression analysis showing predictors of intestinal protozoan infection among school children, n = 450.

Intestinal protozoan infection
CategoryCOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI) value

 Female1.09 (0.74, 1.59)1.27 (0.85, 1.93)

 12–160.95 (0.64, 1.40)1.00 (0.65, 1.53)

Ethnic group
 Tigre1.39 (0.89, 2.19)1.17 (0.73, 1.89)0.501
 Saho1.77 (1.07, 2.93)1.55 (0.89, 2.70)0.116
 Other0.530 (0.058, 4.87)0.40 (0.04, 3.95)0.433

Knowing purpose of washing hands
 No2.48 (1.21, 5.05)2.23 (1.056, 4.71)

Hand hygiene
 Unclean1.85 (1.25, 2.75)1.89 (1.23, 2.90)

Water source
 River/spring3.11 (1.29, 7.52)2.41 (1.04, 5.58)0.038
 Pipe2.67 (1.19, 5.97)2.30 (0.91, 5.85)0.078
 Water truck11

Stool consistency
 Soft1.80 (1.19, 2.72)1.92 (1.25, 2.97)0.003
 Loose2.50 (1.28, 4.86)2.43 (1.22, 4.85)0.012
 Watery1.19 (0.11, 13.5)1.13 (0.095, 3.44)0.922