Review Article

The Role of Thyrotrophin Receptor Antibody Assays in Graves’ Disease

Table 3

Current indications for TRAb testing.

Indications for TRAb testing

Establishing diagnosis of GD and differentiating from other thyrotoxic states
Thyrotoxicosis complicating the Immune reconstitution syndrome (CAMPATH and HAART)
Euthyroid or unilateral orbitopathy
Orbitopathy with hypothyroidism
Pregnancy in women:
 (a) currently on ATD therapy
 (b) who have had previous ablative therapy (RAI or surgery)
 (c) with previous children who had neonatal thyrotoxicosis
In the first trimester and at 22–26 weeks gestation

The current indications for TRAb testing are detailed above. Its use is limited to diagnostic indications. There is no clinical utility of TRAb in predicting outcome at present.