Research Article

Extralaryngeal Terminal Division of the Inferior Laryngeal Nerve: Anatomical Classification by a Surgical Point of View

Table 1

Classification of anatomical location of terminal division point of the ILN*.

Type RegionDefinition

1ArterialDivision occurs at or closely adjacent (±5 mm) to neurovascular crossing of the ILN and the ITA*.

2PostarterialDivision occurs in the first (proximal) half of the distance between neurovascular crossing and laryngeal entry point of the ILN.

3PrelaryngealDivision occurs in the second (distal) half of the distance between neurovascular crossing and laryngeal entry point of the ILN.

4PrearterialDivision occurs before (proximal to) neurovascular crossing of the ILN and the ITA.

ILN: inferior laryngeal nerve. ITA: inferior thyroid artery.