Case Report

Hydronephrosis Resulting from Bilateral Ureteral Stenosis: A Late Complication of Polyoma BK Virus Cystitis?

Table 1

Results of laboratory tests.

VariableReference range in adults*Before MUD-PBSCT1 month after MUD-PBSCT6 months after MUD-PBSCTOn admission1 year later

Urea nitrogen (mmol/l)3.8–8.06.933.35.821.712
Creatinine (μmol/l)62–10664233153299150
Cyclosporine (ng/ml)128
eGFR (MDRD; ml/min)>90#137#31502351
24-Hr urine collection
 Total Volume (ml)2650665032004200
 Creatinine (mg/ml)3865137856602812
 Total Protein (mg/24 h)0–135Negative1390Negative382Negative

*The ranges used at University Hospital Leipzig are for adults who are not pregnant and do not have medical conditions that could affect the results.
This is only for visualization. The eGFR MDRD formula has not been validated outside the 20 to 60 ml/min range.