Review Article

Inflammatory Signalling Associated with Brain Dead Organ Donation: From Brain Injury to Brain Stem Death and Posttransplant Ischaemia Reperfusion Injury

Figure 1

Primary mediators of peri-transplant related inflammation. Al: aldosterone, APC: antigen presenting cell, APP: acute phase proteins, AT2: angiotensin II, BV: biliverdin, C: complement, CA: catecholamines, CAM: cellular adhesion molecule, Casp-1: caspase 1, CI: cellular inflammation, CO: carbon monoxide, Coag: coagulation, Endo: endothelial cells, Eo: eosinophils, EPO: erythropoietin, ET: endothelin, F2: factor II (Thrombin), Fe: iron, Fibro: fibrosis, FN: fibronectin, FR: free radicals, HI: humoral immunity, HIF: hypoxia inducible factor, HO1: heme oxygenase 1, IFN: interferon, Ig: immunoglobulin, IL: interleukin, IL1RA: interleukin 1 receptor antagonist, Infl: inflammation, IP: interferon-γ-induced protein, IRI: ischaemia reperfusion injury, MMP: matrixmetalloproteinases, MRD: margination/rolling/diapedesis, NE: new antigens/neoepitopes, Neut: neutrophils, O2: oxygen, Perox: peroxidation, Sel: selectin, SmMc: smooth muscle contraction, TF: tissue factor, TGF: transforming growth factor, TH1: type 1 helper T-cell, TH17: type 17 helper T-cell, TH2: type 2 helper T-cell, TNF: tumour necrosis factor, Treg: regulatory T-cell, VC: vasoconstriction, VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor.