Clinical Study

Risk-Stratified Cardiovascular Screening Including Angiographic and Procedural Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in Renal Transplant Candidates

Table 1

Baseline characteristics and cardiac screening/intervention of renal transplant candidates with and without MACE (major adverse cardiovascular events) during followup.
(a) Baseline characteristics

VariableTotal ( )Patients without MACE
( )
Patients with MACE
( )

High risk (%)196 (73.4)157 (69.5)39 (95.1)0.001
Age (year) <0.001
Previous renal transplant (%)54 (20.2)45 (19.9)9 (22.0)0.765
Smoking (%)117 (43.8)92 (40.7)25 (61)0.016
Male (%)177 (66.3)147 (65.0)30 (73.2)0.311
Diabetes (%)68 (25.5)50 (22.1)18 (43.9)0.003
Hypertension (%)258 (96.6)219 (96.9)39 (95.1)0.561
History of CAD (%)47 (17.6)30 (13.3)17 (41.5)<0.001
History of CVD (%)11 (4.1)5 (2.2)6 (14.6)<0.001
History of PVD (%) 31 (11.6)19 (8.4)12 (29.3)<0.001
Statin (%)108 (40.4)91 (40.3)17 (41.5)0.876
Renal replacement therapy
 HD (%)225 (84.3)187 (82.7)38 (92.7)0.120
 PD (%)21 (7.9)18 (8.0)3 (7.3)
 Preemptive (%)21 (7.9)21 (9.3)0
BMI (kg/m2) 0.743
Mean time on dialysis before WL (mo) 0.002
Mean followup after waitlisting 0.004
Original renal disease
 Glomerulonephritis89 (33.3)
 Polycystic39 (14.6)
 Diabetic nephropathy32 (12.0)
 Vascular/hypertension27 (10.1)
 Unknown27 (10.1)
 Other25 (9.4)
 Reflux/pyelonephritis17 (6.4)
 Interstitial nephritis8 (3.0)
 Cancer3 (1.1)
Deaths51 (19.1)31 (13.7)20 (48.8)<0.001

(b) Baseline cardiac screening/intervention

( )
Patients without MACE
( )
Patients with MACE
( )

Echocardiography (%)
 LV-Hypertrophy (%)181 (67.8)155 (68.6)26 (63.4)0.615
 Septum diameter (mm) 0.954
 LV ejection fraction (%) 0.133
Noninvasive stress test (%) 204 (76.4)173 (76.5)31 (75.6)0.896
 Conclusive test (%)154 (57.7)130 (57.5)24 (58.5)0.786
Stress echocardiography (%)122 (45.7)98 (43.4)24 (58.5)0.073
 Conclusive test (%)111 (41.6)89 (39.4)22 (53.7)0.896
Treadmill ergometry (%)115 (43.1)101 (44.7)14 (34.1)0.210
Conclusive test (%)51 (19.1)49 (21.7)2 (4.9)0.016
Positive stress test282080.034
(% of all/of conclusive tests)(13.7, 18.2)(11.6, 15.4)(25.8, 33.3)
Coronary angiography (%)58 (21.7)38 (16.8)20 (48.8)<0.001
 Significant coronary
Artery stenosis (%)38 (66.7)22 (57.9)16 (80)0.005
  1-V-disease15 (26.3)12 (31.6)3 (15)
  2-V-disease11 (19.3)3 (7.9)8 (40)
  3-V-disease12 (21.1)7 (18.4)5 (25)
Revascularization (%)18 (31.6)9 (23.7)9 (47.4)0.070
Stress test and/or CA (%)220 (82.4)181 (80.1)39 (95.1)0.020
Conclusive stress test and/or CA (%)176 (65.9)144 (63.7)32 (78)0.075

value for comparison between patients without and with MACE.
CAD: coronary artery disease; CVD: cerebrovascular disease; HD: hemodialysis; PD: peritoneal dialysis; PVD: peripheral vascular disease; CA: coronary angiography; noninvasive stress test: stress echocardiography and/or treadmill ergometry.