Research Article

Whole Body Computed Tomography with Advanced Imaging Techniques: A Research Tool for Measuring Body Composition in Dogs

Table 2

Comparison of measured and CT-derived bodyweights (BW) using Bland-Altman (BA) test of agreement.

Measured BW ± SD (kg)CT-derived BW ± SD (kg)Mean difference ± SD (kg)BA limits (kg)BA range (kg)P

Beagles day 0 −0.90 to −0.37−0.54<0.0001
Beagles day 28 −0.96 to −0.20−0.760.0035
Greyhounds day 0 −1.45 to −0.51−0.940.0001
Greyhounds day 28 −1.81 to −0.79−1.02<0.0001