Research Article

Inhibitory Effect on Cerebral Inflammatory Response following Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats: A Potential Neuroprotective Mechanism of N-Acetylcysteine

Figure 4

ICAM-1 immunohistochemistry in the injured cortex in SHAM group (n = 5), TBI group (n = 6), and TBI-NAC group (n = 6). (a) SHAM rats showing few ICAM-1 positive vessels. (b) TBI rats showing strong ICAM-1 positive vessels stained as brown. (c) TBI-NAC rats showing less ICAM-1 positive vessels than TBI rats (scar bar, 50  m). (d) Administration of NAC remarkably inhibited TBI-induced upregulation of ICAM-1 expression on cerebrovascular endothelia. versus SHAM group; versus TBI group.