Clinical Study

Relevance of Serum Leptin and Leptin-Receptor Concentrations in Critically Ill Patients

Figure 2

Association of serum leptin and leptin-receptor with obesity and diabetes in critically ill patients. (a) Serum leptin concentrations in ICU patients are correlated with the body-mass index (BMI). Spearman rank correlation test, correlation coefficient r, and P-values are given. (b) Among critically ill patients, serum leptin levels are significantly associated with the patient’s BMI. Box-plot graphics are displayed for different classes of BMI; Kruskal-Wallis-test is used to assess significance of the differences. (c, d) In line, an inverse association between patient’s BMI or obesity and serum leptin-receptor levels can be detected. (e) Serum leptin is significantly elevated in critically ill patients with preexisting diabetes in comparison to patients without diabetes. (f) Serum leptin-receptor concentrations do not differ in critically ill patients with or without diabetes. P-values (U-test) are given in the figure. Box plot are displayed, where the bold line indicates the median per group, the box represents 50% of the values, and horizontal lines show minimum and maximum values of the calculated nonoutlier values; asterixes and open circles indicate outlier values.