Research Article

The Causative Pathogen Determines the Inflammatory Profile in Cerebrospinal Fluid and Outcome in Patients with Bacterial Meningitis

Table 3

CSF inflammatory parameters in control patients ( ).

AnalytesSamples under detection limitMedian (pg/mL) [min.–max.]Dilution factorDetection limit

IL-1β5/7n.d1 : 10.19
IL-27/7n.d.1 : 10.38
IL-60/7115 [95.06–175.1]1 : 10.79
IL-101/739.96 [0.41–291.3]1 : 10.41
IL-1RA0/7184.6 [99.82–2958]1 : 110.76
TNF-α4/7n.d1 : 10.22
IFN-γ7/7n.d1 : 10.55
MCP-10/7326 [116–11355]1 : 50.63
MIP-1α2/735.43 [1.23–536.6]1 : 11.23
MIP-1β4/7n.d1 : 127.65
TGF-α0/724.16 [13.77–30.3]1 : 10.69
MMP-90/7106.8 [10.93–1153]1 : 10n.d.

A median value was calculated only when the majority of samples were above the limit of detection. Control samples were measured undiluted or diluted 1 : 5, respectively, 1 : 10.
1Detection limit as provided by the manufacturer.