Review Article

Cytokines and Angiogenesis in the Corpus Luteum

Figure 4

Schematic proposed interaction between endothelial, immune, and steroidogenic luteal cells in equine CL: (a) in early CL LH triggered luteotrophic loop between TNF, VEGF, and other factors during luteal growth; (b) in late CL PGF2 triggered luteolytic loop between cytokines FASL and cytokines synergic action towards angioregression and luteolytic cascade. Thick arrows indicate synergistic action of cytokines . The symbol + means increase in transcription/translation level; the symbol—means decrease in transcription/translation level. LH: luteotrophic hormone; LHR: LH receptor; PG: prostaglandin; PTGF: PGF2 receptor; P4: progesterone; TNF: tumor necrosis factor ; TNFR: TNF receptor; IFNG: interferon gamma; IFNR: IFNG receptor; FASL: Fas ligand; FAS: FASL receptor; FGF2: fibroblast growth factor 2; FGFR: FGF2 receptor; VEGF: vascular endothelial factor A; VEGFR2: VEGF receptor 2.