Research Article

Chemokines and Neurodegeneration in the Early Stage of Experimental Ischemic Stroke

Figure 3

Neurodegeneration in stroke model induced by ET-1. (a) Quantitative analysis of neurodegeneration using ELISA for phosphorylated neurofilaments, (b) localization of neurodegeneration using Cresyl violet staining and GFAP-counterstaining. Large box-stroke area (72 h after ET-1 induction), small box-area showed in C. (c) Localization of neurodegeneration in a stroke model using Fluoro-Jade C staining. White arrows-degenerated neurons. The model was induced and staining performed as described in Materials and Methods. Each analysed group contained 5 mice. Bars represented mean ± SD. Ipsi hemisphere injected with ET-1, contra-contralateral hemisphere, healthy - normal uninjected control.