Research Article

TNF-Like Weak Inducer of Apoptosis Aggravates Left Ventricular Dysfunction after Myocardial Infarction in Mice

Figure 2

Activation of NF-kB pathway and expression of TWEAK and Fn14 in the remote myocardium after MI. (a) Progressive activation of NF-kB signaling demonstrated by increased phosphorylation of p65 could be observed in the remote myocardium of mice after LAD ligation. Representative western blots ( for sham; for LAD at each time point). (b) RT-PCR analysis of TWEAK and its receptor Fn14 revealed that both were upregulated in the remote myocardium. However, whereas Fn14 expression occurred rapidly after MI in the remote zone and remained consistently elevated, TWEAK expression increased later. Western blot analyses for TWEAK and Fn14 in the remote myocardium confirmed these findings ( for sham; for LAD at each time point). Likewise we observed reduced expression of PGC-1α in the failing myocardium after MI.