Research Article

Gene Expression Profile in Delay Graft Function: Inflammatory Markers Are Associated with Recipient and Donor Risk Factors

Table 1

Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Inclusion criteriaExclusion criteria

Donors Donors
>60 years old or between 50 and 59 years who fulfilled at least 2 of the following criteria.
(i) History of hypertension
(ii) Stroke as cause of death
(iii) Preablation sCr >1.5 mg/dL
(i) IV drugs abuse
(ii) HIV positive
(iii) Kidneys from standard donors
Recipients Recipients
(i) First disease donor kidney transplant
(ii) >18 years
(iii) Signed informed consent
(iv) Panel reactive antibody < 20%
(i) Diabetes mellitus
(ii) Chronic use of steroids
(iii) Pregnant women/lactancy period
(iv) History of cancer or linfoproliferative disorder