Clinical Study

Inflammatory Markers and Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Obese Children: The NANOS Study

Table 2

Polysomnographic characteristics in OSA and no-OSA obese children.

Total ( )No-OSA ( )OSA ( ) value

AHI (/hrTST) <0.001
Time in Bed (min) 0.1
Total sleep time (min) 0.2
Sleep Efficiency% 0.9
Number of arousals <0.001
Arousal index (/hrTST) <0.001
Respiratory disturbance index (/hrTST) <0.001
Obstructive RDI (/hrTST) <0.001
Central RDI (/hrTST) 0.01
Baseline SpO2 (%) 0.2
Mean SpO2 (%) 0.008
Nadir SpO2 (%) 0.003
Time SpO2 < 90% 0.1
Oxygen desaturation index (/hrTST) 0.001
Peak end-tidal CO2 (mmHg) 0.9
Total Sleep time with end-tidal CO2 > 50 mmHg (hours) 0.003

Statistically significant difference.