Research Article

Immunomodulatory Effect of Red Onion (Allium cepa Linn) Scale Extract on Experimentally Induced Atypical Prostatic Hyperplasia in Wistar Rats

Table 2

Effect of red onion scales (RO scales) extract on absolute prostatic weight (APW) and relative prostatic weight (RPW) of rats with APH treated for 30 days at different doses.

TreatmentBody weight (g) APW (g)RPW (mg/g)

Normal rats
Rats with APH (negative control)
Rats with APH treated with
 Saw palmetto (100 mg/kg)
 RO scales (75 mg/kg)
 RO scales (150 mg/kg)
 RO scales (300 mg/kg)

Significantly different from normal rats at .
aSignificantly different from rats with APH at .
bSignificantly different from the value before starting the experiment at .