Research Article

Development and Validation of Protein Microarray Technology for Simultaneous Inflammatory Mediator Detection in Human Sera

Figure 3

Microarray intra- and interassay precision. The intra- and interassay precision of microarray cytokine detection was calculated (a). Experiments to measure intra-assay precision were conducted on the same slide ( arrays), while those to measure interassay precision were performed on three consecutive days ( arrays per time point). The median precision values for intra- and interassay variation were within the acceptable limit of 20% coefficient of variation (CV), akin to the majority of individual cytokines. Cytokines were divided into low-abundance (<50 pg/mL), mid-abundance (51–199 pg/mL), and high-abundance (>200 pg/mL) groups for intra- and interassay variation ((b) and (c), resp.). All high-abundance cytokines, along with all but one mid-abundance cytokine, showed acceptable levels of intra- and interassay variation. The majority of low-abundance cytokines showed unacceptable interassay variation.