Research Article

Excessive Refined Carbohydrates and Scarce Micronutrients Intakes Increase Inflammatory Mediators and Insulin Resistance in Prepubertal and Pubertal Obese Children Independently of Obesity

Table 2

Circulating factors as compared to references1.

Mean ± SDMedianFirst, third quartilesReference

Glucose, mg/dL89.0085.00, 9670–99
Insulin, μU/mL26.6117.70, 38.44<25.0
Calcium, mg/dL10.3510.0, 10.79.5–10.5
Magnesium, mg/dL2.12.0, 2.31–4.9
25-OHD3, ng/mL23.1517.81, 31.1020–100
Docosahexaenoic acid, w/%3.312.74, 3.90>4.00
Eicosapentaenoic acid, w/%0.340.20, 0.50>0.35
Linolenic acid, w/%0.250.20, 0.30>0.14
Leptin, ng30.1419.32, 48.79
Adiponectin, μg9.234.58, 12.91
C-reactive protein, mg2.040.58, 4.90<3.00

, except for omega-3 fatty acids, where .