Research Article

P2Y12 Receptor on the Verge of a Neuroinflammatory Breakdown

Table 1

Primary antibodies employed in the study.

AntigenCloneEpitope (aa)TargetDilution Source

MBP2119–131Mature oligodendrocytes/myelin1 : 100Chemicon
SMI94SMI-9470–89Mature oligodendrocytes/myelin1 : 1000Covance
NG2 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 132.39*Oligodendrocyte precursor cells1 : 200Chemicon
OX-42*Microglia/macrophages1 : 200AbD Serotec
5C6*Microglia/macrophages1 : 200AbD Serotec
CD68 FA-11*Macrophages/monocytes1 : 200AbD Serotec
HLA-DP, DQ, DR (MHC II) CR3/43*Microglia/macrophages1 : 100Dako
Integrin II/3(A2A9/6)Full lengthPlatelets1 : 100Santa Cruz
NeuNA60*Neurons1 : 200Millipore
GFAP G-A-5*Astrocytes1 : 400Sigma
P2Y12 receptor
Polyclonal125–142P2Y12 receptor1 : 200Sigma
P2Y12 receptor
Polyclonal125–142P2Y12 receptor1 : 200–300Alomone
P2Y12 receptor-ATTO-594 (intra fl) Polyclonal125–142P2Y12 receptor1 : 50Alomone
P2Y12 receptor
PolyclonalC-terminus [18]P2Y12 receptor1 : 200Anaspec
P2Y12 receptor
Polyclonal324–342P2Y12 receptor1 : 200Anaspec

CD11b: cluster of differentiation 11b; CD68: cluster of differentiation 68; fl: fluorescent at 594 nm; GFAP: glial fibrillary acidic protein; HLA: human leukocyte antigen; MBP: myelin basic protein; MHC: major histocompatibility complex; NeuN: neuronal nuclei; NG2: neural/glial antigen 2.
*Not specified in the data sheet.