Research Article

Identification of Anti-Long Chain Saturated Fatty Acid IgG Antibodies in Serum of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Figure 3

O-Palmitoylation of BSA. (a) The donated hydrogen from PA associates with Clāˆ’ to form HCl and two palmitate anions associate with Ca2+ to form calcium palmitate. The negatively charged palmitate allows a nucleophilic attack on ethylchloroformate (EtOCOCL). The Clāˆ’ is removed as a leaving group and an activated palmitate (anhydride) is formed. DMF: dimethylformamide. (b) Available hydroxyl groups on BSA perform a nucleophilic attack on the activated palmitate via an SN2 mechanism. The leaving group is removed and the BSA is O-palmitoylated. (c) Chemical structures of elaidic acid and oleic acid.