Research Article

Free DNA in Cystic Fibrosis Airway Fluids Correlates with Airflow Obstruction

Figure 2

Free DNA, disease severity, and infection in CF lung disease. (a) Stratification of CF patients (). Upper left: correlation of free DNA levels with FEV1 in sputum supernatants from CF patients. Upper right: free DNA levels in sputum supernatants from healthy controls and CF patients, stratified by FEV1. Lower panels: free DNA levels in sputum supernatants from healthy controls and CF patients, stratified by Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Aspergillus fumigatus infection/colonization status (Leeds criteria, 0: never, 1: negative, 2: intermittent, and 3: chronic). (b) Representative CLSM images of airway fluids from one healthy individual and three different CF patients, stratified for lung function, are depicted. Scale bar: 10 μm; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second (% of prediction). DAPI staining of nuclei and extracellular DNA strands in CF sputa. (c) Chemokine levels in sputum supernatants from healthy controls (white, ) or CF patients (grey, ). (d) Correlation of free DNA with CXCL2 levels in airway fluids (cell-free sputum supernatants) from CF patients (). .