Research Article

Association of Adipokines with Insulin Resistance, Microvascular Dysfunction, and Endothelial Dysfunction in Healthy Young Adults

Table 3

Correlations ( values) between inflammation measures and insulin sensitivity, microvascular structure and function, and endothelial function.

QUICKIBaseline capillary densityMaximal capillary densityACRFBF % increase

CRP−0.28 (0.001)−0.12 (0.048)−0.13 (0.038)−0.02 (0.802)−0.07 (0.256)
IL-6−0.11 (0.051)0.14 (0.027)0.16 (0.010)0.05 (0.471)−0.26 (0.001)
TNF−0.02 (0.752)−0.17 (0.008)−0.20 (0.002)−0.05 (0.400)0.07 (0.285)
PAI-1 −0.29 (0.001)−0.09 (0.175)−0.15 (0.014)0.01 (0.932)−0.03 (0.645)
Adiponectin0.43 (0.001)0.10 (0.125)0.00 (0.967)−0.02 (0.718)0.07 (0.280)

These measures were log transformed because of skewness.