Review Article

Circulating Cytokine Levels as Markers of Inflammation in Philadelphia Negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: Diagnostic and Prognostic Interest

Table 1

Circulating cytokine expression in myeloproliferative neoplasms compared to healthy controls.

Types of cytokinesAll MPNsEssential thrombocythemiaPolycythemia veraPrimary myelofibrosis

Hematopoietic growth factors↑ TPO [6, 10] 
NS IL6 [6, 8] 

NS TPO [6] 
NS IL6 [6] 

NS TPO [6] 
↑ or NS IL6 [6, 14, 45] 
NS G-CSF [14] 
↑ GM-CSF [14] 
↑ IL5 [13, 14] 
↑ IL7 [14] 
↑ IL11 [9, 45]
↑ TPO [6] 
↑ IL6 [6, 13] 
↑ G-CSF [13] 

ChemokinesNDND↑ IL8 [9, 14, 45] 
↑ IP-10 [14] 
↑ MCP1 [14, 45] 
↑ MIP1α [14] 
↑ MIP1β [14] 
↑ MIG [14] 
↑ RANTES [14] 
↑ IL8 [13] 
↑ IP-10 [13] 
↑ MCP1 [13] 
↑ MIP1α [13] 
↑ MIP1β [13] 
↑ MIG [13] 

Anti-inflammatory cytokines↑ IL2 [6, 8] 

NS IL10 [8, 16] 

↑ IL2 [6, 8, 14] 

↑ or NS IL2 [6, 8, 14] 
↑ IL1-Ra [14] 
NS IL10 [14] 
↑ IL13 [14] 
↑ HGF [14, 45]  
NS IL4 [14]
↑ IL2 [6, 8] 
↑ IL1-Ra [13] 
↑ IL10 [13] 
↑ IL13 [13] 
↑ HGF [13] 

Proinflammatory cytokines↑ sIL2-Ra [6, 8] 
↑ TNFα [8] 
↑ IL23 [16] 

↑ sIL2-Ra [6, 8] 

NS IL23 

↑ or NS sIL2-Ra [6, 8, 14] 
NS TNFα [14] 
↑ IL23 [16] 
NS IL1β [14] 
↑ IL12 [14] 
↑ IL15 [14] 
↑ IFNγ [14]
↑ sIL2-Ra [6, 8, 13] 
↑ TNFα [13] 

↑ IL1β [13] 
↑ IL12 [13] 
↑ IL15 [13] 
↓ IFNγ [13]

AngiogenesisNDND↑ VEGF [14, 39] 
↓ EGF [14] 
NS b-FGF [14]
↑ VEGF [13, 39] 

OthersNS IL22 [16] 
ND NS INFα [14] 
↑ Leptin [45]
 ↑ INFα [13]

This table summarizes cytokine expression possibly used as biomarkers in all myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, and primary myelofibrosis compared to healthy donors. Because of the pleiotropic function of cytokines, they were arbitrarily classified according to proinflammatory, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic growth factors, angiogenesis factors, chemokines, and others. References are reported in brackets. ↑ or ↓ means, respectively, increase and decrease of cytokine levels compared to healthy donors; NS means nonsignificant; ND means nondetermined.