
We propose a new idea to construct an effective algorithm to compute the minimal positive solution of the nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equations arising from transport theory. For a class of these equations, an important feature is that the minimal positive solution can be obtained by computing the minimal positive solution of a couple of fixed-point equations with vector form. Based on the fixed-point vector equations, we introduce a new algorithm, namely, two-step relaxation Newton, derived by combining two different relaxation Newton methods to compute the minimal positive solution. The monotone convergence of the solution sequence generated by this new algorithm is established. Numerical results are given to show the advantages of the new algorithm for the nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equations in vector form.

1. Introduction

In this paper, we are interested in iteratively solving the algebraic Riccati equation arising from transport theory (see, e.g., [15] and references therein):

where are given by

Here and with and

The parameters and satisfy , , and and are sets of the composite Gauss-Legendre weights and nodes, respectively, on the interval satisfying

see, for example, [4] for details. Clearly, it holds that

It has been shown that problem (1.1) has positive solution in the sense of component-wise; see [2, 4] for details. Since only the minimal positive solution is physically meaningful, the research in the field of iteration methods centers around the computation of the minimal positive solution of (1.1); see, for example, [3, 512]. For the discussion on more general nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equations arising in real world, we refer the interested reader to [1317].

In the seminal paper by Lu [9], it was shown that the solution of (1.1) can be written as

where denotes the Hadamard product, is the matrix with elements and are two vectors satisfying the following vector equations:

where and .

Let with and , , and let with

Then the vector equations (1.7) can be uniformly rewritten as

Based on the vector equations (1.7), Lu [9] investigated the simple iteration (SI) method to compute the minimal positive solution as follows:

It was shown that the solution sequence generated by (1.10) converges monotonically to the minimal positive solution of (1.7). We note that at each step the SI method costs about flops (for the definition of flops, see, e.g., [18]), while the Gauss-Jacobi (GJ) scheme defined by Juang [2]

costs about flops. Hence, the SI method is more efficient than the GJ method.

In (1.10), we note that before computing , we have obtained , which should be a better approximation to than . Based on this consideration, Bao et al. [7] constructed the modified simple iteration method as

It was shown theoretically and numerically that the modified simple iteration procedure (1.12) is more efficient than the original one (1.10).

Recently, the so-called nonlinear splitting iteration methods defined as

were investigated by Bai et al. [6] and independently by Lin [19]. In [6], methods (1.13a) and (1.13b) were called nonlinear block Jacobi (NBJ) iteration method and nonlinear block Gauss-Seidel (NBGS) iteration method, respectively, and it was shown that the solution sequence generated by the NBJ method and the NBGS method converges monotonically to the minimal positive solution of (1.7). Moreover, numerical experiments given in [6, 19] show that the convergence speed of these two methods is higher than that of the SI method (1.10).

In this paper, based on the fixed-point equations (1.7), we present an accelerated version of the NBJ scheme, namely, two-step relaxation Newton method, to compute the minimal positive solution. The construction of the new method is based on the relaxation Newton method introduced by Wu et al. [20, 21]. At each iteration, the new algorithm is composed of two-steps: we use the NBJ method as a simple relaxation Newton method to obtain a coarse approximation of the solution of (1.7), and then with this coarse approximation at hand we use a relative complicated relaxation Newton method to get a finer approximation. It is shown that the solution sequence generated by this method converges monotonically to the minimal positive solution of (1.7). We also prove that the new method is more efficient than the NBJ method and its two-step version.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the relaxation Newton method and the its two-step version. Section 3 is concerned with the monotone convergence of the new method. In Section 4, we test some numerical experiments to compare the performance of the new method with the SI method and the NBJ method in the sense of iteration number and CPU time. In the end of the work of this paper, we have constructed another two-step relaxation Newton algorithm which performs much better than the SI, NBJ methods; unfortunately, at the moment we cannot theoretically prove the convergence of this method to the minimal positive solution of the vector equations (1.7). Therefore, we will just report in Section 4 the numerical results of this method.

2. The Two-Step Relaxation Newton Method

In this section, we focus on introducing the basic idea of the relaxation Newton method investigated by [20, 21] and its two-step version for the following general nonlinear equations:

2.1. The Relaxation Newton Algorithm

The key idea of the relaxation Newton algorithm is to choose some splitting function : which is minimally assumed to satisfy a consistency condition

for any . Then with an initial guess of the unknown solution , we start with the previous approximation to compute the next approximation by solving the following problem:

with some conventional method, such as the classical Newton's method, quasi-Newton methods, and Conjugate-Gradient method. Obviously, the generated sequence will upon convergence approach to some value which satisfies , that is, . Wu et. al. [20, 21] used the classical Newton's method to solve (2.3), which explains the name: relaxation Newton; the deduced algorithm written compactly is shown in Algorithm 1.

     with a given initial approximation of

In Algorithm 1 and what follows

If we set and in the relaxation algorithm shown in Algorithm 1, by the consistency condition (2.2), the method can be written as

With a special choice of , the Jacobi matrix will be a diagonal or block diagonal matrix and invertible in , and thus iteration method (2.5) can be processed stably and simultaneously with less storage compared with the classical Newton's method. We will see in the next section how to select the splitting function such that the Jacobi matrix is a diagonal or block diagonal matrix.

2.2. The Two-Step Relaxation Newton Method

Now, suppose that we have two splitting functions , and an initial approximation of the solution of (2.1) at hand. We start with the previous approximation to compute a mid-approximation by solving the equations

and then with at hand we compute by solving the equations

The splitting functions and are assumed to satisfy the consistency conditions

Similar to the relaxation Newton algorithm described above, we use Newton's method with a single iteration to solve equations (2.6a), (2.6b), and the deduced iteration scheme is

where is defined by (2.4), and the Jacobi matrix of the function is defined by

Throughout this paper, the iteration scheme (2.8a), (2.8b), (2.8c) is called two-step relaxation Newton (denoted by “TSRN”) algorithm.

Specially, for the vector equations (1.7) we consider in this paper the following splitting functions:

here and hereafter and for all ; and are diagonal matrices and their diagonal elements are determined as

Generally speaking, the splitting function is a three variables function, but here we consider a special case—only the second and third variables are involved; see (2.9b). In the end of Section 4, we will see another TSRN algorithm where the function is defined with 3 arguments (see (4.5b)).


Then it is clear that

Therefore, it follows by substituting the function defined in (1.7) and the splitting functions , defined in (2.9a), (2.9b) into (2.8a), (2.8b), (2.8c) that

We note that with the special splitting functions and defined in (2.9a), (2.9b), equations (2.13a), (2.13b) implies

while for general splitting functions this is not always true. For diagonal matrices , , and , routine calculation yields

Furthermore, by (2.10) we know that must be zero matrix for all ; hence

From (2.9a), (2.9b), (2.10), and (2.16) we obtain the algorithm for implementing the TSRN method as follows.

Algorithm 1 (Two-step relaxation Newton iteration). Starting with the initial value , the solution is defined, for , by
(1) computing explicitly in the following elementwise fashion:
(2) performing for to :
if is odd
else ;
(3) if , stop iteration; else set and go to the first step in Algorithm 1.

Clearly, compared with the Newton-type methods investigated by Lu [10] and Lin et al. [8], no LU-factorization is needed at each iteration of the TSRN method.

3. Convergence Analysis

For our proof of the monotone convergence of the TSRN method, we need the following results proved by Lu [9].

Lemma 3.1 (see [9]). With the function defined in (1.8), one has(1)(2).

The first conclusion can be obtained straightforwardly from (1.7).

Theorem 3.2. Let be the initial point of the TSRN method. The solution sequence generated by the TSRN method is strictly and monotonically increasing and converges to the minimal positive solution of the vector equations (1.7); particularly, it holds that (1) and , (2) and .

Proof. We first prove the first conclusion of Theorem 3.2 by induction rule and this is completed in two-steps: first, we prove the correctness of this conclusion for and then under the induction assumption with index , we prove the case for .
(1) It is easy to get . Hence, from the first conclusion of Lemma 3.1, it holds and . By the second conclusion of Lemma 3.1, we get and . Therefore, from (2.16) we know . Since
we have and , that is, . Hence, it follows from (2.13b) that . We note that for any it holds Hence, , that is, where . It is easy to verify and this implies . Consider and , and we know that the right hand of (3.5) is positive, and this implies . Therefore, from (3.3) we get . We have proved that the first conclusion of Theorem 3.2 is correct for .
(2) Assume that the first conclusion of Theorem 3.2 is correct for , and we will prove that it is also correct for . To this end, we note that under the induction assumption it holds
where the inequalities and follow directly from equality (3.4).
and since , we get and this coupled with (3.6) gives From (3.6) and , we have that is, ; this coupled with (3.6) implies and . Hence, we arrive at From (3.9) we have this coupled with (3.11) gives ?
Next, we prove . To this end, from (3.2) and (2.14) we have
and this implies From (3.11), we get where the first equality can be easily verified from (2.9b). Consider (3.4) and the following relations: and since , we have ; this coupled with (3.15) and (3.16) gives By (3.9), (3.13) and (3.18) we have proved the validity of the first conclusion of Theorem 3.2 for . Therefore, by induction rule we have completed the proof of the first conclusion of Theorem 3.2.
From the first conclusion of Theorem 3.2, it is obvious that there exist positive vectors and such that
Therefore, it follows from (2.9a), (2.9b), and (2.14) that This implies that is a positive solution of the vector equations (1.7). According to the minimal property of , it must hold and .

To finish this section, we compare the efficiency of the TSRN method with the NBJ method. To this end, we rewrite the original NBJ iteration scheme (1.13a) into the following form:

Clearly, the TSRN method will reduce into the two-step version NBJ method (3.21) if in (2.9b).

The following theorem indicates that the TSRN method is more efficient than the NBJ method.

Theorem 3.3. Let both the NBJ method and the TSRN method start with the initial value , and , be the sequences generated by the TSRN method and the NBJ method, respectively. Then it holds that for .

Proof. It is easy to get . Hence, we have This coupled with (2.10), the second conclusion of Lemma 3.1, and the first conclusion of Theorem 3.2 gives Since , it follows from (3.24) that where in the last inequality we used the relation (3.6) and the fact established by [6]|the sequence is strictly and monotonically increasing and converges to the minimal positive solution . From (3.25), we have and .
the we arrive at and . Therefore, the proof of (3.22) can be completed by using relations (3.25) and (3.26) repeatedly.

Remark 3.4. Since the NBJ method is more feasible than the NBGS method in parallel environment, in this paper we only focus on comparing the efficiency between the TSRN and the NBJ methods.

4. Numerical Results

In this section, we compute the minimal positive solution of the vector equations (1.7) by the TSRN method, in order to compare numerically the feasibility and effectiveness of this algorithm with the SI method (1.10) and the NBJ method (1.13a) in the sense of number of iteration (denoted as “IT”) and elapsed CPU time in seconds (denoted as “CPU”). Clearly, these methods are very suitable to be performed in parallel environment. We remark that the Newton type methods coupled with LU-factorization [6, 10], NBGS method (1.13b), and the modified simple iteration (1.12) are sequential methods and not suitable to be implemented in parallel environment.

In all experiments, the constants and , , are given by the composite Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula on the interval . More precisely, the interval is first divided into subintervals of equal length, and the composite Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula with 4 nodes is then applied to each subinterval (see [14]). In our implementations, all iterations start with initial value and are terminated once the current residual error defined as

satisfies . All codes are performed in MATLAB (version 7.0) on an Intel (R) Pentium (R) Dual E2110 @ 1.4 GHz PC with memory 1?GB.

To make a fair comparison, we rewrite equivalently the SI method (1.10) into two-step fashion as follows:

and the vectors and are explicitly computed in elementwise as

The NBJ method is also performed in two-step fashion as defined in (3.21) and the vectors are computed in elementwise as:

Example 4.1. In Table 1, for the fixed problem size but different pairs of , and in Table 2 for the fixed but different problem size , we list ITs and CPUs for the SI, NBJ and TSRN methods, respectively.
We see clearly in Table 1 that with fixed problem size, the TSRN method converges faster than the SI and NBJ methods, and as converges to 0 and converges to 1, the advantages of the TSRN method are more significant. Moreover, for each pair , the TSRN method needs less CPU time than the SI and NBJ methods, even through the former needs a little more flops at each iteration. When the parameters and are fixed, as the problem size becomes large, the performance of the TSRN method and the NBJ method becomes close, as shown in Table 2.

Example 4.2. In the end of the work of this paper, we have constructed another two-step relaxation Newton algorithm (denoted as TSRN for the moment) with the splitting functions and defined as With these two splitting functions, we list in Table 3, for fixed problem size but different , and in Table 4 for fixed but different problem size, ITs and CPUs for the NBJ, TSRN and TSRN methods (from the numerical results given in the previous example we believe that the NBJ and TSRN, methods converge faster than the SI method, and thus at the moment we omit the comparison of the TSRN method with the SI method).
For each problem size and tested in Tables 3 and 4, it holds that where and are the converged vectors generated by the TSRN and TSRN methods, respectively. Therefore, the TSRN method really converges to the minimal positive solution of the vector equations (1.7). Moreover, from the numerical results listed in Tables 3 and 4, we see clearly that the TSRN method performs much better than the TSRN and NBJ methods. Unfortunately, at the moment we cannot prove theoretically the convergence of the TSRN method to the minimal positive solution of the vector equations (1.7).


This work was supported by the NSF of China (no. 10971077) and by the program for NCET, the State Education Ministry of China.