Research Article

Intelligent Risk Assessment for Dewatering of Metro-Tunnel Deep Excavations

Table 1

Hydraulic and mechanical properties of soil layers of southern airshaft foundation.

No.Soil layerThickness of soil layer (m)Coefficient of permeability (cm/s)Modulus of compressibility (MPa)

Miscellaneous fill soil0.70~3.10
Plain fill soil0.30~6.00 6.5
Sandy silt3.4 7.0
Sandy silt3.50~9.70 8.5
Sandy silt1.00~5.90 5.5
Silty sand and sandy silt1.60~7.00 7.0
Silt4.20~10.95 10.0
Sandy silt0.80~6.20 5.5
Silt 10.5
Silty soft clay2.60~6.70 2.6
Silty soft clay1.50~3.70 2.7
Silty soft clay1.00~8.30 2.8
Silt0.50~3.85 8.0
Silty soft clay0.80~8.20 3.0
Silty-fine sand1.80~8.50 8.5
Silty clay1.90~4.30 3.2
Silty clay2.80~4.60 4.5
(14)1Medium sand 11.0
(14)2Rounded pebble