Theory and new applications are very important research topics in computational intelligence. This issue compiles eight papers which focus on new intelligent algorithms and new applications of the intelligent algorithms.

Among them, there are 3 papers on new algorithms and new model design. The paper entitled “Minimum cost multicast routing using ant colony optimization algorithm” by X.-M. Hu and J. Zhang proposes a novel algorithm termed the minimum cost multicast routing ant colony optimization (MCMRACO), and the problem-specific knowledge is used by ants to construct efficient solutions. The proposed algorithm can apply to both static and dynamic MCMRACO problems. H.-L. Liu et al. propose a new evolutionary algorithm for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) resource allocation, where the information of optimizing subcarrier and power allocation can be interacted with each other. The paper entitled “Using objective clustering for solving many-objective optimization problems” by X. Guo et al. deals with many objective optimization problems. They first introduce a novel metric, interdependence coefficient, which represents the nonlinear relationship between pairs of objectives. Then, they combine PAM clustering algorithm into the proposed algorithm to identify and remove the redundant objectives.

Other five papers explore the new applications of the intelligent algorithms and models. The paper entitled “Estimation of open boundary conditions based on an isopycnic-coordinate internal tidal model with adjoint assimilation method” by Y. Gao et al. uses adjoint assimilation method to set up an isopycnic-coordinate internal tidal model. Two papers use intelligent schemes to deal with security problems, where as the paper entitled “Osiris: a malware behavior capturing system implemented at virtual machine monitor layer” by Y. Cao et al. employs a multivirtual machine framework to simulate the network environment for malware analysis, so that network behaviors of a malware are stimulated to a large extend. C. Wang and J. Luo propose a new KP-ABE construction with constant ciphertext size, which provides a promising tool for addressing the problem of secure and fine-grained data sharing in public cloud. The remaining two papers deal with the image processing problems. The paper entitled “Nonlocal adaptive image denoising model” by X. Sun et al. introduces a nonlocal diffusion tensor into the image denoising model, and a fidelity term is added to Weickert's diffusion equation. Moreover, the coefficient of fidelity term can adaptively vary with the instant image. As a result, the textures and details of image can be preserved. The paper entitled “Estimation of large scalings in images based on multilayer pseudopolar fractional fourier transform” by Z. Li et al. proposes a method to estimate the log-polar coordinates coefficients using the multilayer pseudo polar fractional Fourier transform (MPFFT). MPFFT encompasses pseudo polar and multilayer techniques and provides a grid which is geometrically similar to the log-polar grid. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented method.

By publishing these papers, we hope to provide readers and researchers with some useful ideas in the computational intelligence theory and applications.

Yuping Wang
Yiu-ming Cheung
Andy Song
Hailin Liu